Wednesday, 4 June 2008

"Lords" of the dance

We have learnt for many hours many different dances to show our parents, some friends... Often we couldn't wait for the lesson to be over because it was really hard. 13 couples are going to dance ( two boys are from the 8.class - thanks very much!).
At the prom we will not only dance but we'll also show what we have learnt in these eight years - playing some instruments, folklore, singing,...
Prom will be on Thursday, 12. 6. 2008 in OŠ Dramlje at six o`clock. After that when teachers go "to sleep" we will have a great time - we will be alone...
What else can I say? Everybody is feverishly looking for clothes because we all want to be pretty (which we already are...) but for this festive opportunity when saying goodbye to primary school , we must be something special. This event will be in our memory of beautiful school years.

Klavdija 9.a


TANJA said...
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TANJA said...

I can`t wait for our final dance;"valeta".
I hope that we won't make any mistake durring the dancing.

sanja said...

I can't wait till our schooling is over, so I'm kind of hardly waiting to our prom. I have absolutely no problems with dancing... not at all ! (hope you feel the sarcasm). Although , if thats a problem, I have no problems with my dress. I've got it for only 15€ and it's a kind of dress, I could wear it in any kind of occasion. And I absolutely adore it.
I hope you find your clothing,too.

Hana ! [®ARMANI PERFECTION ! ] said...

I'm really looking forward to our prom and the end of schooling, but I think I'll miss primary school and the old faces.
We are preparing hard too. We haven't many dance lessons, but we learned a lot of dances.=)We will play on the instruments too and some plays, singing...
About the clothes.. yes I have problems too, but now I have a kind dress and I like it very much =). I don't know what will I do with my hair :P, but however, I'll find something that I like.
I hope you find the clothing and good luck with the prom, i'm sure that it'll be successful.

Anonymous said...

The prom will be a rock off, because we have a rockin' band !!!! And I'm a good dancer, so, it's going to be cool.

_ said...

I have no idea about what's going to be our prom like. i have no worries about the dress, because the most important thing is to have fun. I also think mistakes are nice, that's how we are going to remember the prom as something special.

edina** said...

Well, we had some problems too. We have learnt 5 different dances. IT was hard to remember some steps but we don't have problems any more. We also won't just dance, but some students will play on instruments, we will have two plays...
Our Prom will be on Thurstday, 12. 6. 2008, in I. OŠ Celje and it's going to be great.

Anonymous said...

I think in prom we have the most problems with dance. Sometimes I can't remember all steps. We often make some mistakes. But we are preparing on it hard.

I have a lot of problems with the dress too. I didn’t find anything for me in Celje. Then I and my friend Tara went in Ljubljana with the train and I found it and we had such a good time.

Unknown said...

I cant wait!!I hope so we will have party after ``valeta``!

Unknown said...

I hoppe we won't make too many mistakes,when we dance.

franci said...

me to i realy clumsy at the dances

Urban said...

I am very glad to see the end of the
year.I hope teachers will go to sleep very soon :).We will have party of course.

I like Tango cause it is easy to dance and you can't make many mistakes at it :)


"I have spoken"

Ingrid said...

I wish you success at dancing and performing. Don't worry, the visitors won't spot all of your mistakes. Just do your best, mistakes will be forgotten.

MANix said...


We learnt a lot of new dances too. for example čačača, tango...
we had the same problem like you we also had to borow two yunger boys. i already have clothes for prom and i really can't wait to show them to my frainds.

I realize that we will do some misakes during the dance but you just have to stay calm and finish the dance.

i know that our prom will be great.

Urban said...

Well we did great if you ask me.