Thursday, 5 June 2008

The Exams

In May 2008 we, the 9th graders, had special exams. We still call them »eksterci«.
Slovene and Maths are constant subjects each year, but the 3rd subject is random and it was Physics again at our school.
First we wrote Slovene test, and in my opinion it was the most difficult. There were two texts and various questions about the texts. One of the texts was a very hard to understand poem, and that is why it was so difficult for me.
Next we wrote Physics. It sounds surprising, but it wasn’t so difficult as Slovene for me. We had many formulas written on a help paper so it was much easier.
Finally came Maths. For some this is the most difficult subject, but I think the Math exams weren’t so hard.
In the past these exams counted for points for High school. But a lot has changed these days, and they no longer have such an important value. They only count if two students have the same amount of points and the school can only accept one. But, I think that despite the reduced value it is important we do good at these exams.
What do you think about these exams?
What was your third subject?
At which subject did you do the best?

Gregor Čretnik


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with you about Slovene.Poem was really hard to understand.But I wrote slovene the best, so I was very suprising.
For 3rd subject we had geography.
It wasn`t to hard, but it also wasn`t easy in my opinion.
This exams maybe will be important for me, because I have restriction, but I thing I will not have problems.

Anonymous said...

I agree too. I wrote math the best and I’m proud of that. The third subject was Physics and I wrote it the worst. It was very hard.

I don't agree with exams, I think they are not important and in 9th class we have enough thinks to do.

Hana ! [®ARMANI PERFECTION ! ] said...

I wrote Slovene the best and that's not surprising me =P
I think these exams are lame and totally unuseful and I think the ministry should give them away.
Our third subject was Physics as you already know. The exams are harder and harder every year. I looked at the one, who were written last year and they were 100% easier as ours.
Ok that's my opinion. =)

Urban said...

These exams aren't so stupid as you think.These exams give you bigger chanches for next year.We had Geography and i wrote it the best.Suprisingly i had 40 points at Slovene :)

This tests aren't so hard but you just need to think a lot.Everything is about logic.If you have logic you will be very good at these exams.If you can't connect logicly you will be very very bad.


"I have spoken"

franci said...

exames were realy hard i didn't study much i think a was in the midel with the others

ursi said...

I wrote Slovene exam the best. Our 3rd subject was geography it wasn`t so hard.
The math was the hearder.
The exams weren`t important for coming in my high school.

gregec said...

I wrote slovene the best. Than geography. Mathematics went badly for me. Very very bad:D. Fortunately I have no limitations on school that I go. So I am preety sure that I will go where I want to go. Of course!

TANJA said...

I wrote math and geography the best in class. I am prod per this. I was suprise.
I agree with you all...Slovenian was very heavy, but I am happy with result.

aniia* said...

I agree with pa3sha the exams wasn't so hard. I haven't study nothing for the exams.With the results I was somewhere in the middle.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with pa3sha the exams wasn't so hard.I don't know what they looked for the maths. because I didn't wrote it.